The Post's Steve Serby chatted with the Jets' 26-year-old middle linebacker.
Q: Your mentality on the field?
A: Once you step between those lines, you know that the guy on the other team is trying to take your head off, and you have to be in that same mindset to do the same thing to him. It's battle - I don't want to say war because it's not war - there's nothing like this on earth. It's kinda hard to explain. The level of cheap nfl jerseys
intensity and focus reaches its highest level . . . adrenaline is always rushing.
Q: Your best hit?
A: It was against Ohio State, against Troy Smith. He faked a reverse to Ted Ginn, ran around the edge, and . . . that was it. Smacked him. (Laughs) I gave him my all to try to kill him, but he's a tough player, he got up, and finished the game, and had a heckuva game against us.
Q: Do you see yourself as an intimidator?
A: I think I intimidate people like by the way I play. 'Cause I'm always hustling, I'm always running to the ball, and I'm always trying to make a tackle, so I think that stands out on film.
Q: Do you want people to look at you as an intimidator?
A: Sure, why not? (Laughs). What's wrong with that?
Q: I would think playing your position, that would be a plus, right?
A: Yeah. I want people, when they watch film of me, they say, "I don't want to go against this guy . . . for 60 minutes a game.
Q: Because you're going to be out there for 60 minutes.
A: Sixty minutes going hard every play.
Q: The Patriots selected Brandon Meriweather instead of you in the 2007 draft.
A: A lot of people don't know it but, I think I can run pretty good to be the size I am. That was one of the knocks on me coming out of college - everybody said I was too slow, couldn't run sideline-to-sideline, couldn't cover anybody but . . . (I) try to go out every day and prove 'em wrong I guess (chuckles).
Q: Because you're so low-key, do you feel unappreciated around the league?
A: I might not get a lot of fanfare, I guess, but the thing that gets me going after a game is the opponent players call to me like, "You do a heckuva job, keep it up, I've been watching you." That's what (gets) my juices going.
Q: Do you think you can evolve into a Ray Lewis player?
A: That's hard to do. He's one of a kind. I don't think nobody can be compared to Ray Lewis.
Q: Do you talk trash on the field?
A: Only when I have to (laughs). I really don't talk trash 'til somebody talks trash to me.
Q: What do you want Jets fans to say about you?
A: If I play long enough, hopefully I'll go down as one of the all-time great Jets linebackers.
Q: How painful was your ankle during the playoffs?
A: It was very painful but I knew that I had to play. I had to play. Me and Bart (Scott) are key components of this defense, and I wasn't gonna miss a game - especially a playoff game, especially how hard it is to get to the playoffs.
Q: Most elusive running backs?
A: Chris Johnson . . . LaDainian Tomlinson. . . he still is elusive (laughs).
Q: You think he's got plenty left?
A: Yeah he has plenty left . . . Reggie Bush.
Q: The most physical guards?
A: My rookie year, it was Shawn Andrews for the Philadelphia Eagles. When he was in his prime, that guy was a monster (laughs). The guy is 6-6, 340 . . . he plays hard . . . every . . . play. When you watch film of that guy, he's chasing linebackers 20, 30 yards down the field just trying to clean 'em up. He got my respect. Logan Mankins was another great guard up in . . . that team up north (laughs).
Q: You don't have to worry about him this week.
A: Oh yeah, hopefully he don't come back 'til after the season.
Q: Jets fans?
A: They let you know how they feel, one way or the other, and I love New Orleans Saints jersey
it! (Laughs). We have the most loyal fans of any NFL team. We have diehard fans. You wouldn't want it any other way.
Q: You haven't received a contract extension.
A: It's not gonna do me any good thinking about it right now.
Q: Favorite tattoo, other than your wife's name on your right wrist.
A: Yeah, she'd kill me if I said anything different (laughs). Probably this one (1840 on left arm). That's my home address I was born and raised in - 1840 Union, in Grand Rapids. It symbolizes that no matter what happens in life, always remember where you come from.
Q: Compare Lloyd Carr and Rex Ryan.
A: (Laughs) Complete opposites. Lloyd Carr, he's more conservative, more behind-thescenes type of guy. But two great leaders.
Q: Boyhood idol?
A: Derrick Thomas. Super Tecmo Bowl on Nintendo, those people who were playing that, they know Derrick Thomas, 'cause he was a beast. And I always wanted his jersey, but couldn't find it nowhere in Grand Rapids, so I was stuck with getting a Marcus Allen 32 jersey (laughs)
Q: Growing up in Grand Rapids, Mich., weren't you a Lions fan?
Q: I was a Barry Sanders fan. I won't say I was a Lions fan. But, I watched the Lions because of Barry Sanders.
Q: You were a hyperactive kid - what did your parents punish you for?
A: I got three spankings in one day (laughs). I tried to set a pizza box on fire that was on the stove, and I turned the stove on.
Q: Was there pizza in the box?
A: I have no idea, I was like 3 or 4 years old. Then I tried to climb a china cabinet to get this model big rig off the top at my uncle's house. I don't know why I got whupped for the third one.
Q: Detention in second grade?
A: Yup. Miss Benjalink. I talked too much in class, and she had enough of San Francisco 49ers jersey
it (laughs).
Q: You met your wife Jiali at Michigan.
A: She got her Masters in nuclear engineering and I'm a football player so people are like, "How'd you get her? [Laughs]. She's out of your league." We act silly around each other. . . . She has a real good heart. . . . She's unselfish . . . very driven, very dedicated . . . very loving woman.